Monday, December 6, 2010

Daddy-kasi 6 December 2010

Dearest love...

Happy 33rd birthday today...semoga sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati Allah SWT dan semoga chenta kita terus kekal abadi..aminnn...

I am grateful for your smile, my love. Whether you are delighted with something in me or simply joyful about life, your smile is sunshine that warms my heart and helps me feel at peace. Your smile rouses my smile and I feel the joy of that act changing my whole day.
I am grateful for your hands, my love. I feel comforted by your embrace and excited by your passionate touch. Your hands offer help, assurance, love - they are reminders that I have ample support in my life.
I am grateful for your voice, my love. You speak words of consolation when I ache, you tell truths when I forget who I am, you laugh and incite my laughter when I’m caught in the seriousness of life.
I am grateful for your eyes, my love. You see beauty, possibility and truth when I am blind to life’s light. You alert me to opportunities and obstacles so I can more easily navigate my way. You open a window to your soul where I can come look in.
I am grateful for your heart, my love. Beating with constancy and strength, the music of your love always accompanies me. You are tender and open, willingly receiving my love. You show me that vulnerability and power can peacefully reside in one place equally without loss.
I am grateful for your mind, my love. You share imagination, insights, and inquisitiveness, keeping us from stalling in complacency. Your ideas call mine to dance with you as we dream and envision, rejoice and remember, consecrate and connect.
I am grateful for you, my love. Grateful for all the ways you love me; grateful for how easily you allow me to love you; grateful for how you complement me and how you open yourself to the gifts that I offer; grateful for the exuberance, joy and pleasure you bring to the high times of our lives; grateful for your depth of feeling and your steadfast partnership when our lives travel the low paths; grateful for your precious presence, in memories past and this present moment. For you my love, I am much more than grateful. I am blessed by you. My love.

I love u so much....hairunnitham..

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